There are hundreds of varieties of coffee and roast levels. รับ คั่ว กาแฟ often offer a wide selection of roasts from countries and farms around the world. if you want cost reduction, convenience, and quality. Service coffee roasted is the best choice suitable for the coffee business.
Choosing the right roast level is all about personal preference. But understanding the basic types of roast can help narrow your search for the perfect cup.
Light Roast
Light roasts are heated for a shorter amount of time and less intensely. They’re heated anywhere from 350o-410o and cooled quickly, which is when you’ll hear the first pop, known as “first crack.” Since beans don’t absorb as much heat during this process, they retain more moisture and are denser than darker roasts. This curtailed heating leaves light roasts with a fruitier palette of flavors, including citrus and berries.
They also offer a more balanced profile of acidity and sweetness than dark roasts, which makes them the ideal base for espresso-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. You’ll also find that many third wave coffee enthusiasts favor light roasts due to their brightness and complexity. Some common names for light roast include half city, light city, New England, and cinnamon roast. These roasts also pair beautifully with foods that they contrast with, especially those commonly found at lunch and dinner rather than breakfast. They’re delicious with light pastries and toast, as well as savory snacks like hummus and soft cheeses.
Medium Roast
This roast level offers a more balanced flavor, mellow body, and richer sweetness than lighter roasted beans. It retains the bright floral and fruit flavors of a lighter roast but incorporates more toasty, caramelized flavors from the roasting process to make for a smoother taste.
Medium roasted beans are darker brown in color and have a bit more of a thicker texture than light roasted beans. They also do not have the oily surface that is present on dark roasted beans. They work well with most brewing methods including pour-over, drip, Moka pot, and espresso.
When making a medium roast, the beans are brought to temperatures close to but not quite the first crack of the bean. This results in a nutty aroma with a fuller body than a light roast and less acidity than a dark roast. This is a common favorite among our customers. Other names for this roast are American, Breakfast, or City Roast.

Dark Roast
Coffee that is roasted darker, close to a dark brown color with drawn-out oils that gloss the surface is considered a dark roast. This roast level highlights the most of the coffee’s flavor, and it will have a richer taste with an intense flavor. Dark roasted coffee also has bold, robust body and will have the most pronounced flavors from the country of origin.
Lighter roasts highlight the natural characteristics of the coffee bean, with subtle aromas and flavors of fruit, tea, or nuts. They have the most acidity and are brewed to be served black, as the bitterness can be overpowered with milk.
Besides the differences in flavor, each level of roast has its own unique nutritional advantages. Light and medium roasts retain more of the beneficial polyphenol chlorogenic acids (CGA) and antioxidants, while darker roasts lose some of these nutrients during the roasting process (3, 4, 25)
ชนิด เมล็ด กาแฟ that are labeled espresso roast are roasted for longer and at higher temperatures than those used for filter coffee. These beans have a fuller, bolder taste than light or dark roast coffee beans. Espresso roast beans are also ground finer and can withstand the high pressures used in espresso brewing methods.
If a coffee bean is labeled as espresso it means that the roaster recommends that you use it to make espresso based drinks. The roaster may also include a suggested grind size for this purpose, depending on their experience and the equipment they have at their disposal.
It’s important to know the different coffee roast types so that you can make a delicious cup of coffee every time. The type of coffee you choose can have a huge impact on your morning. The different types of roasts offer distinct flavors that can complement your breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack. Be sure to experiment with each one to find your favorite.