Couriers have been used since the dawn of time. We know the Persians used runners in 400BC to send word of approaching enemies and we have come a long way since the days of homing pigeons. If you would like to learn more about how today’s logistics professionals work, you’ve come to the right place.
Global Network
This is really the backbone of the logistics industry, which allows taxi truck couriers to facilitate a delivery to nearby areas or anywhere in the world. A long-haul consignment might be handled by half a dozen carriers, which take it to its final destination, wherever that might be. The Internet powers the network and such is the level of technology, you can track your consignment 24/7 from the third-party logistic provider’s website.
Fast Communication
Gone are the days when a delivery driver goes back to his depot after his orders are fulfilled, with real-time communication that empowers the organization. Using VoIP platforms like Zoom and Skype, dispatchers can communicate with all drivers and speed is everything with logistics. Voice communication has gone global thanks to VoIP technology and the logistics sector makes good use of this.
Shift Work
The only way a leading third-party logistics firm can offer a round-the-clock service is to operate a 3-shift system, with drivers clocking on and off and the vehicles are always on the road, delivering their cargo. A leading third party logistics Sydney uses, for example, would employ a few thousand people – office staff, warehouse workers and truck drivers – ensuring that all deliveries are promptly carried out. Finding a logistics company in your area is now made easier through Google.

Customer Focused
A leading 3PL company would be totally customer focused, using all of their available resources to carry out their deliveries and with a good team that work well together, any issues are quickly resolved. If a driver is needed to help with loading, they are quite happy to help out with the loading if the job is urgent.
The days of drivers getting lost are long gone, thanks to GPS technology. This is especially useful for rush deliveries, such as a same day courier Sydney or your city has. All the driver needs to do is enter the co-ordinates into their GPS system and they are guided to their destination. They also have state of the art software that allows for optimum route planning, which saves both time and money. Voice activation allows a driver to request directions at any given time, while at HQ, the controller is able to manage the entire fleet, knowing where all vehicles are, what speed they are doing and when they stop.
Network Controller
This is the key position for every busy logistics company, as this person manages all the available resources, being able to have real-time communication with any driver is a real game-changer that makes the business more efficient. There would be a 3-shift rotation to ensure that everything is always monitored, with constant dialogue between controller are drivers and as new orders come in, the controller responds in a timely manner.
The logistics industry is evolving alongside its clients and using the latest technology really does empower an organisation, which is great news for their customers.