This article offers the reader a few compelling reasons people are switching to non-alcoholic beverages.
Society is in a constant state of change, as we embrace new ideas that make sense. Those who are old enough, remember the 70s TV chat shows where both host and guest were puffing away on cigarettes. We have come a long way since those days and more and more adults are switching to non-alcoholic beverages, mainly for health reasons.
Here are a few of the reasons people are drinking less alcohol and turning to non-alcoholic drinks.
Dangers Of Drink-Driving
Let’s face it, we have all driven after a few beers or glasses of wine and such are the harsh penalties for DUI; you could be facing a jail term and would certainly lose your licence for a few years. There was a time when finding zero alcohol beverages was a challenge; those days are long gone. You can find a supplier online and have the products delivered to your door. Many professional people rely heavily on being mobile and losing your driving licence is simply not an option.
Global Health Initiative
There are many gyms in every major city of the western world, as the people embrace fitness and stamina. Contact sports such as boxing and MMA are very popular with young people and serious training doesn’t blend well with alcohol. Once you go 10 days without alcohol, your body has had time to de-tox and you begin to feel the benefits of alcohol abstinence.

If you suffer with hangovers after a beer session with your mates, this is more than enough reason to switch to the non alcoholic beer Australia or your country has to offer. There’s nothing worse than having to go to work with a hangover and you might not be aware that you could be driving over the legal limit, even after a few hours of sleep! Hangovers are caused by dehydration, as the body uses a lot of water to break down the alcohol. Drink 1 litre of water before going to bed; of course, the other solution is to make the switch to non-alcoholic drinks.
New Generation, Different Ideas
While it may have been traditional for a young guy to drink gallons of beer with his mates, that is no longer the case, as young men are generally fitter and focus on active outdoor pursuits. Drinking beer comes at a cost and for many young people, the price is too high, in terms of negative impact of their lives. Of course, we can’t ignore the price of beer these days, which is rising due to alcohol tariff placed on all alcoholic beverages.
Cost Of Living
When inflation takes hold, prices inevitably rise and for many, luxury items such as beer, wine and whisky are usually the first thing to be cut. When compared to non-alcoholic beverages, beer, wine and spirits are expensive, which is yet another reason to stop drinking alcohol.
The pandemic saw a huge spike in mental health issues, and consuming alcohol in a depressive state is never a good idea. Many people made a life-changing decision because of stress and have never looked back since they quit alcohol. You probably know that alcohol is a depressant, which does not help a person who is suffering mental health issues.
Over the decades, people’s attitudes change and what might have been fine 30 years ago, might be shunned by today’s society. If you are tired of the expense and the hangovers that alcohol brings, perhaps it is time to try out a range of non-alcoholic beverages that you can order online.